Pick Up Lines In Hindi For Friends

Having a conversation in our native tongue is always easier and more comfortable than speaking in a foreign language. This is especially true when having fun, making movement special, and having romantic conversations.

If you are trying to make your friends laugh, then you should definitely try out some Hindi pick up lines. Here are some of the best pick up lines in Hindi for friends you can use next time you hang out with your buddies.

Pick up lines in Hindi for friends

Pick up lines in Hindi for friends

  • क्या आपका कोई नाम है या क्या मैं आपको बेस्टी कह सकता हूं?
  • हम मोज़े नहीं हैं, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि हम दोस्तों की एक बड़ी जोड़ी बनाएंगे।
  • मैं कोई थेरेपिस्ट नहीं हूं, लेकिन आप मुझे अपनी समस्या कभी भी बता सकते हैं।
  • क्या किसी ने आपको बताया कि जीवन ऐसा ही होने वाला था? नहीं? आओ दोस्ती करें।
  • अरे, मुझे अभी इसका एहसास हुआ है, लेकिन आप मेरे अगले सबसे अच्छे दोस्त की तरह दिखते हैं।
  • तुम बहुत सुंदर हो, तुम्हारे लिए पत्ते भी झड़ जाते हैं।
  • में आपके साथ कभी पोकेमोन नहीं खेलूँगा क्यों की मुझे मालूम है तुम जैसा पिकाचू को हासिल करना नामुम्किन है.
  • मेरी जिंदगी तुम्हारे बिना खाली कागज की तरह है. आओ इसे रंग दो
  • काश कोई हमारे पास भी आता और बोलता ये लो Blank चेक, चाहे जितनी रकम डालनी है डाल दो और निकलो बाहर मेरी बेटी की लाइफ से
  • यार एक बात तो बताना ये बड़ी ABCD छोटी abcd से कितनी छोटी है
  • आप हो सबसे हटके तभी तो आपको देख के मुझे लगते है झटके.
  • एक जगह है जहा पर तुम बहुत खुबसूरत दिखोगी, वो है मेरी बहो में
  • में अभी सिंगल हु और तुम भी, चलो आज कुछ mingle करते है
  • मैं शहर में नया हूँ क्या आप मुझे अपना पता देंगी?

You may also like friends pick up lines in English.

When To Use These Hindi Pick Up Lines

Friendship is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated. These Hindi pick up lines can help you start a conversation with your friends and make them laugh.

However, everything has its limits, and you should be careful not to overuse these pick up lines. If you use them too often, then your friends might get annoyed.

The best way to use these pick up lines is sparingly and only when you are trying to be funny. If you use them too often, then they will lose their effectiveness.

If you’re just hanging out with your friends and trying to have some fun, at that point, feel free to use any of these pick up lines.

Also, make sure if your friend is a girl, she is comfortable with you using these pick up lines. Some girls might find them funny, while others might not appreciate the humor. So it’s always best to gauge the situation before using any of these pick up lines.

Further, if your friend is not in the mood to talk or laugh, then it’s best not to use any pick up lines and just enjoy each other’s company. Because sometimes, silence is the best conversation.

Just remember not to take yourself too seriously and have fun with it.

How To Use These Pick Up Lines

Now that you know when to use these pick up lines, it’s time to learn how to use them.

The best way to use these pick up lines is to be confident and just go for it. Don’t overthink it or try to be too clever. Just say the line with confidence and see how your friend reacts.

If they laugh or smile, then you know you’ve succeeded. If they give you a weird look, then you can just laugh it off and move on.

In friendship, you can say anything to each other, so don’t be afraid to experiment and have some fun with it.

When you have just made a new friend and don’t know them that well, it’s a good idea to get to know them more before using any pick up lines. Because you don’t want to come across as creepy or weird. Just take your time and get to know them better before using any pick up lines.

Also, look at the situation and the environment you are in before using any pick up lines. If you are in a formal setting or a professional environment, then it’s best not to use any pick up lines.

But if you are in a casual setting like a bar or a party, then you can definitely use some pick up lines to break the ice.

And lastly, just have fun with it and don’t take yourself too seriously. At the end of the day, it’s just a pick up line, and it’s not going to change your life, but it can definitely make your friend’s day.

So go ahead and try out these pick up lines the next time you are hanging out with your friends. Remember to be confident, have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Also see pick up lines in hindi for gf


Friendship is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated. These pick up lines in Hindi for friends can help you start a conversation with your friends and make them laugh.

However, everything has its limits, and you should be careful not to overuse these pick up lines. If you use them too often, then your friends might get annoyed, especially if they are not in the mood to talk or laugh.

The best way to use these pick up lines is sparingly and only when you are trying to be funny. If you’re just hanging out with your friends and trying to have some fun, at that point, feel free to use any of these pick up lines.

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