50+ Alphabet Pick Up Lines: Letters

Alphabet pick up lines are a great way to break the ice with someone you’re interested in. These lines can help you start a conversation with someone new or get to know someone better, whether you’re at a school, college, or work event.

This line includes different ways to start a conversation with someone using each letter of the alphabet. Some are cheesy, some are funny, and some are flirty. But all of them are guaranteed to get a reaction and smile!

So let’s get started with the list:

Alphabet Pick Up Lines

Alphabet Pick Up Lines

  • Alphabet starts with ABC, but our love starts with U and Me.
  • Are you the Alphabet. Because you are my A-Z.
  • If I could rearrange the letters of the alphabet, I’d put E and U together.
  • All the alphabets of ABCs suit you, girl. You are amazing from A, brilliant from B, and cute from C, and I will give you a D because you deserve it.
  • If I could rearrange the alphabet. I’d put U and I a few letters apart. We still need our personal space.
  • Are you the alphabet. Because you make up every written word in my world.
  • Babe, there are only two letters to describe me in the alphabet. E Z.
  • Girl, are you the alphabet. Because all I can think and write about is you.
  • Babe, I cook the best alphabet soup. Because you gonna be choking on my D.
  • I want to teach you the alphabet. After tonight you cannot tell the difference between U and I.
  • Do you know your ABC’s? Cause I wanna give you the 4th letter of the alphabet.
  • If you were two letters of the alphabet You would be a Q T.
  • Do you know your alphabets? Spell Me.
  • I don’t know how to spell. I thought happiness starts from H. But it really starts from U.
  • I know every letter in the alphabet. And I just wish that I know u better.
  • There’s 20 letters in alphabet. Because you took away U R A Q T. And I got the D for you.
  • Alphabet pick up line comeback. I would put B Y E together.

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When To Use Alphabet Pick Up Lines

These lines don’t include any specific references to the person you’re talking to. So, they can be used in a variety of situations. Such as, we’ve previously shared pilot pick up lines which are not easy to use in every conversation. They are only meant for a specific group of people.

For example, if you’re having a conversation between you and one other person, you can use pick up lines including U, R, and C. This is because they are all references to the other person. You can use them in any order and mix them up to keep the conversation going.

But, it’s best to avoid using these lines if you’re in a group conversation. This is because they will draw attention to the fact that you’re interested in one person in the group, not the others. And no one wants to feel left out!

On the other hand, if you’re at a party or group event and want to start a conversation with someone new, these lines work well, but you should know about the person’s taste.

For example, if you know the person likes cheesy jokes, you can use the pick up line that starts with C. But, if you know the person is more serious, you might want to avoid that one and try something else.

The best way to use these lines is to have a conversation with the person beforehand. This way, you’ll know what kind of pick up line will work best for them.

Also, if you’re in a class, you can use these lines as an icebreaker for a group project. Just be sure to avoid any that might make the other person uncomfortable.

Further, if you’re already a friend of someone and want to take things to the next level, these lines can help you gauge their interest. But, be sure to use them sparingly. If you use them too often, they’ll lose their effectiveness.

If you have a crush on someone and want to let them know but don’t want to be too forward, these lines can also help at that time. Just be sure to gauge their reaction and take things slow.

For example, lines including B for baby or L for Life can all be used to tell your crush that you like them. But, if they don’t respond well, you might want to back off and try something else, like pick up lines in Hindi to impress a girl.

How To Use Alphabet Pick Up Lines

Now that you know when to use these lines, it’s time to learn how. The best way to use them is to be confident and have fun with it.

Remember, these lines are meant to be a starting point for a conversation or make the existing conversation more interesting. So, don’t worry if they don’t work out exactly as you planned. Just go with the flow and see where the conversation takes you.

And, if you’re ever in doubt, just remember that the worst thing that can happen is that the other person says no. So, don’t be afraid to take a chance! Who knows, you might just find your perfect match.


We hope you enjoyed our list of alphabet pick up lines. Be sure to try them out the next time you’re looking to start a conversation.

And, if you have any other pick up lines that start with the letters of the alphabet, be sure to share them in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

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