
50+ Drawing pick up lines

Drawing pick up lines: If you think the one you are attracted to or want to start a conversation with like drawing or is an artist, you can use pick up lines.

However, not all pick up lines are created equal. Just like with regular conversation starters, some are more likely to engage the person you’re talking to and get them laughing, while others are more likely to make them roll their eyes.

Hence, we’ve put together this list of the best drawing pick up lines for people who love to draw or are artists themselves. So whether you’re hitting up a party or trying to start a conversation in class, try one of these out and see where it takes you.

Drawing pick up lines

Drawing pick up lines

  • Hey are you an artist? Because you sure do draw my attention 😉
  • Do you like to Draw? Cause I’ll put the D in raw
  • I was wondering if you’re an artist because you were so good at drawing me in.
  • Are you an artist? Cuz you’re drawing me in
  • Do you like to draw? Because i put the D in Raw
  • Hey girl do you like to draw? Because I put the “D” in RAW
  • Are you a Crayon? Because, I am a pencil and I draw my world but i need you to color it
  • He girl do you like to draw? Cause I like to put that D in raw.
  • Hey girl, do you draw ? Coz I’ll give the ‘d’ to you raw.
  • Do you like to draw? Cause I can put the D in Raw
  • Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?
  • Girl I’m learning how to draw Will you send me your nudes so i can draw clothes on them?
  • Don’t tell me that you’re an artist, you’re the only masterpiece here.

If you’re in college also see college pick up lines.

When To Use Drawing Pick Up Lines

Of course, you can use pick up lines anytime, but they’re especially effective when you’re around people who share your interests.

For example, if you’re at an art museum or gallery, or even just walking around and you spot someone looking at a painting, that’s a great opportunity to strike up a conversation using one of these pick up lines.

Similarly, if you’re at a party and you spot someone looking at or talking about art, that’s a great time to use one of these lines to start a conversation.

If you’re in a class with someone and you’re both working on drawings, that’s also a great time to break the ice with one of these lines. This mostly happens in college settings, but it could happen in other places too.

Just remember, the key is to be genuine and interested in the person you’re talking to, not just trying to use a pick up line for the sake of it. You’re sure to have a great conversation if you can do that.

How To Use Drawing Pick Up Lines

The great thing about pick up lines is that you can use them however you want. You can use lines seriously or funnily, depending on what you think will work best with the person you’re talking to.

However, when the person draws, they might be in the zone and not want to be interrupted. In that case, you can try leaving a note with one of these lines on their desk or next to their drawing.

You could also try sending one of these lines in a text message if you’re too shy to say it in person. Remember to be respectful and not use them if you think the person might not appreciate them.

Also, if you know they like to draw, you can use these pick up lines as conversation starters about art in general anytime, like when you’re at a party or just walking around.

Fun Facts About Drawing

Once you’ve started a conversation using one of these pick up lines, you can keep the conversation going by sharing some fun facts about drawing.

For example, did you know that the Mona Lisa is the most popular painting in the world? Or that the artist who painted it, Leonardo da Vinci, is also one of the most famous painters in history?

You can also share fun facts about specific drawings or paintings. For example, did you know that The Scream is one of the most famous paintings in the world and that it was actually stolen twice?

Or that the Mona Lisa is the most popular painting in the world and that it’s also the most expensive painting ever sold?

Another example is The Last Supper, one of the world’s most famous paintings. Did you know that it’s actually over 500 years old?

Along with these facts, you should also know the answer to this if the person asks you. So, be ready with your answer.

Till now, if you’ve done everything we’ve said, you will have the full attention of the person you want to talk to. So, after this, you can ask about their hobbies or anything. Doing this will allow you to continue the conversation and get to know the person better. And if everything goes well, you might even get their number too. So, go ahead and try these lines next time you’re around someone who likes to draw.

See also: School pick up lines


We hope you enjoyed our list of drawing pick up lines for people who like to draw. Please let us know in the comments below if you have any other pick-up lines that you think we should include. And if you liked this post, please share it with your friends. Thanks for reading!

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